How to be pain free

Friday 7 September 2012

Fibro in a Nutshell

Having chronic illness is a journey

A journey with daily challenges
Working towards a better day
Making changes to what you used to do
Hoping for a pain-free day

It is a painful journey
A road of no return
Living life is simply my reason
My hope and my motivation

Yesterday's gone and forgotten
Today's a brand new day
Another day of struggle
For tomorrow's a better day


Fibromyalgia is a real pain
It will zap your energy...right down the drain
Your muscles feel like they're tied in knots
You find yourself saying ... I forgot
You'll find yourself tired when it's time for bed
but stay awake counting sheep in your head
And in the morning when you climb out of bed
you're already in search of your first med
Through trial and error, you find a way
to get through each painful day
There will be days that tears are shed
but try to focus on good days ahead
Never give up, hang on to hope
One day at a time, you learn to cope


Don't give up

Don't give up
Cause you have friends,
Don't give up
You're not the only one,
Don't give up
No reason to be ashamed,
Don't give up
You still have us,
Don't give up now
Were proud of who you are,
Don't give up
You know it's never been easy,
Don't give up
Cause I believe there's a place,
There's a place where we belong

~ Peter Gabriel


Fibro, A poem

Could you imagine being 20 years old,
30 years old,
And being stuck in the body of a 90 year old?

Watching your skin turn to hell and flake, away,
And your hair never cooperate anymore?
Seeing teeth trying to loosen and
Feeling like some days your eyesight was bad,
Or that your sense of time was starting to go?

Can you feel the agony
Of hips that don’t want to work,
But must work to get through a day,
Feet too swollen to put a shoe on,
And fingers too sore to do it anyway?
Necks that are too tight to hold up your head,
And backs curving under the strain
Stomachs that can’t digest anything
Because the stress of a single hour grows too much?

And can you imagine sleep the only solace,
Only that sleep isn’t restful
And it isn’t kind?
Wake up with more pain then you went to bed with
And you don’t feel rested anyways?
Doctors don’t really help
And the other treatments too expensive to convey,
But each day passes with swift regularity
And no one gives you a break.

What pain is there without bruises?
What skin irritation without a sore?
What sleep deprivation?
Just go to bed earlier and get more!

What stomach issues, just eat better.
Mind over matter, make it work!
But when Fibromyalgia is the villain

Believe me, he’s going to make it hurt.

©2010 Jennifer Altherr,


If you could live in my body

If you could live in my body,
just for a day,
maybe you wouldn’t think
that I feel okay.
You might understand
what it’s like to be tired
by just trying to live,
just doing what’s required.
If you could live in my body
you might begin to see,
that a simple drug
won’t set me free.
If you could live in my skin
you’d learn to understand
that it’s not in my head,
nor was it planned.
I don’t want your pity
or to make you resent.
But I don’t need to apologize,
or have your consent.
I am sick and I’m tired
every single day,
and it won’t help to ignore it.
So listen when I say:
it helps when I relax
with a friend and some tea.
You can’t understand
but please, believe me.

Submitted by Beth Turner, ©


“Please Don’t…”

“But you Don’t Look Sick”
Is an often heard phrase
To those battling illness
Invisible most days…
Having an Invisible Illness
Makes life so much worse.
As we are prejudged, misunderstood,
Not believed, and/or cursed…
What we experience each day,
Fatigue, symptoms and pain,
Is really life altering,
And a huge, great big drain…
Doctors, prescriptions and treatments,
Are now part of our life,
Costing more than we have,
And causing trouble and strife…
Because we are “Normal” to look at,
At least most of the time,
People think it’s Ok to treat us badly,
Or like we have committed a crime….
But the only crime we committed,
Was to get invisibly sick,
It just something that happened,
It’s not our fault we feel Ick…
We didn’t ask to be ill,
It wasn’t something we did
Not something we didn’t do,
We couldn’t have hid…
It’s just something that happened,
A totally random affair.
I am trying my hardest to treat it,
Of this I do swear…
But now you must realise,
That there is rarely a cure,
But we try what is recommended
But each day there a fewer…
Please don’t recommend
Any remedies and/or cures
If it worked then we’d know
Of this our doctors ensures…
Please don’t think ‘cos I’m smiling,
That I am healthy and well,
It just means that I’m happy,
I can still be very unwell…
Happiness is just that,
A feeling of joy,
When you suffer long term,
You work hard to enjoy…
Don’t tell me you understand or know what it’s like,
Don’t pity me or exclude me,
I know what my limitations are,
Please try to understand, that is my plea
So Please we all beg you,
Don’t Judge us by looks,
But understand us and help us,
Don’t treat us like Crooks…

Shazinoz” submitted this poem© 2008


Rainbow of Hope

I sit staring out my window again
Stuck in this room
By an illness that won’t let me free
I look out at the rain

And feel
Blue with sadness for
All that was, is and never will be
Red with frustration and anger
Hating the pain and endless days

Green with envy
Because everyone’s life has moved on
While I am stopped here since that fateful day
Yellow with fear
That this is the way
It will always be
Then he calls
Come look out this window
And I see

A rainbow stretched across the sky
The colors transform
Into Hope

Submitted by: Stacey Yount 2009,


I Didn’t Know…

I didn’t know back then that life would change forever. I didn’t know what pain was then. I didn’t know the sacrifices and allowances I would end up making. I didn’t know my hair could hurt. I didn’t know that I would have to give up the things that brought me the most joy because I just couldn’t do them any more. I didn’t know how my limits would change from one day to the next. I didn’t know I’d have to fight so hard for what I need.

I didn’t know I could be okay with wearing socks that don’t match. I didn’t know I could cry beyond the point of tears. I didn’t know how strong I could be until I was forced to be. I didn’t know I could live for weeks on applesauce and Sprite. I didn’t know I could get lost in Target. I didn’t know I could crack a joke and laugh in the worst of situations because I just couldn’t cry anymore.

I didn’t know I could lose what felt like everything and still feel as though I had everything I need. I didn’t know I could keep going past the end of my rope. I didn’t know that when I felt the most alone and exhausted, someone, somewhere would inspire me to fight one more time. I didn’t know I could sleep 20 hours and still be tired. I didn’t know I could fall asleep anywhere. I also didn’t know I’d regret it when I woke up.

I didn’t know that nothing beats stupid comedies or veggie tales on a bad day. I didn’t know just how much pain I could stand. I didn’t know how desperate I would feel sometimes. I didn’t know how much I’d have to learn. I didn’t know how much I’d have to advocate for myself because there was no one else to fight for me. I didn’t know how good fuzzy socks feel.

I didn’t know I could love God and hate Him at the same time. I didn’t know sometimes prayer would be all I’d have. I didn’t know some of my best friends would be people I’d never met. I didn’t know that I wasn’t alone. I didn’t know doctors could be wrong. I didn’t know that there were others going through this. I didn’t know there was support.

I’d say I wish someone had told me all of these things back then, but I do know I wouldn’t have believed them.

Article written by Staff Writer, Agnes Reis


Pieces of Us

To be separated
Body and mind
Split between thoughts of love
And questions for the enemy
Yet they both reside
In the same body
In my body
There are no answers
Just community
A family of people like myself
Found here
Yet spread all around the world
Provide strength
To carry on
A life is still here to live
Memories of the past
Hurt, but bring vitality to the present
We may not look sick
And our struggle equals muffled cries
But we’re here to change that
Hand in hand

Written by staff writer, Annie Martin


"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words can also hurt me.

Sticks and stones break only skin,
while words are ghosts that haunt me.

Pain from words has left its scar,
on mind and heart that's tender.

Cuts and bruises now have healed,
it's words that I remember."

-Author Unknown 


My Hope For You, Those With Illness

by Chelsey Lawrence

I hope that you always look for the silver lining
Even when all the clouds do is rain.
Remember that stars are always shining
Even when the sky is as dark as pain.

I hope your spirit stays full of light
On dreary draining days.
I hope you always keep up the fight
To persevere in many ways.

Treatments can fail and symptoms return
And sometimes doctors don’t know what to do,
Remission can be hard to earn
That is what I hope for you

When you are feeling lost and all alone
And life is shaking hands with pain
I will be there to help your heart turn from stone
And show that all this can be of gain.

I hope you know that your trials have strengthened you
You have gained persistence and grace.
Your journey has left footsteps on a path
People can follow your inspiring pace

I hope you remember that tears can be blessings
They are a sign that you are still holding on
I hope you continue even when illness keeps pressing
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

I hope that love and joy will help you cope
And that God will pull you through.
May you always fill up your cup of hope,
That is what I hope most for you.


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