How to be pain free

Friday 7 December 2012

My Tanah Lot Tour

Moved to dive ... me nuts 

My First Dive - Bali

Post moved to

Thursday 6 December 2012

Post Treatment - 1st week

Mount Batur

Everyone wished me well before I left. I wished too. This was supposed to be the time for me to recuperate and detox physically and mentally from the heavy medication and get-away from work. But as soon as I breathed in the air of Bali, my plans changed. I ended up in pain 24/7 just to fulfill my "unfinished business" of 10 years - diving and rafting. With a 2-hour flight delay, I only managed to checked in to Sun Island Kuta Bali at 2030 hrs. With too much sitting while waiting at the airport, on flight, it was the beginning of my holiday-in-pain. Something seemed to have gotten stuck in my mid back again and could not sleep a wink that night. 

Some may consider it a pity and silly to forget the most important things in a trip but I think it was a blessing in disguise. With brain fog, I forgot 3 things: did not activate my mobile phone auto-roaming service, ATM card and forgot to bring my narcotic painkillers. It was a good test for my tolerance level and frugality though. If I could do it this time, I am sure I will make it anytime. So ... my holiday begins:

Hand-made Batik
My first morning started with some sightseeing before reaching the main destination which is the Bali Volcano. Some of them are watching the seamstress hand-make and paint batik, Luwak coffee plantation, 1000 year old temple/palace and the gold/silver designing factory. I had my next 3 days itinerary organized with the freelance travel agent to get the most out of this trip. Next day was diving, followed by white water rafting and more temple visits on the very last day. 

Wearing a sarong at the entrance of the temple
The sightseeing tour would have been boring without the company of fellow Singaporeans. I met a wonderful couple whom we started getting along very well and were really in tune with each other.   We even met for dinner the same night but if I could tolerate the pain I would love to watch the band and continue chatting with them. The left side of my back was so painful I could not find a comfortable position to sit or sleep. It was another sleepless night in pain. But I had a great day.  My first diving experience will soon be posted in "My First Dive - Bali". 

Nusa Lembongan dive center

The white water rafting was my next best experience. The Telaga Waja river is known for its rough rapids with the level of 3 - 4 making it the most challenging rafting site in Bali. The 3 challenges we faced were hitting the rocks, cliffs and bamboo bridge. 

The most exciting is the last challenge that is jumping down from the dam with a height of 5 meters. Two times I got hit on my face and nose. The first time as we started, rapids were so rough we quickly hit the cliff. My paddle was pushed backwards direct at my shades. So my nose almost gone crooked. Then the boy in front did not hold on tight enough and fell backwards on my face! 

The most difficult part was not hitting rapids but climbing the 162 steps at the end of the ride. Being alone and helpless, I clung on our guide for support in order to reach the top. I almost gave up.

So far I have learned and understand more about my body. Activities like rafting, uses a lot of arm and legs muscles, sitting and walking. All this make pain unbearable and long-lasting.  But diving uses more spine strength as the body straightens while swimming. This is beneficial for core strengthening and a plus point for improving my Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD). Even the doctors encouraged it. If I were to include this activity in my routine exercise program,  my back problem should improve tremendously. What will be my next plan? A diving trip incorporating the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certification open water dive course with hopefully 20 dives in 7 days.

I am so broke now that I had enjoyed so many adventures and discovery of Bali. Pity me ... I am left with 225000 rupiah (SGD28.75). Can someone DHL some nice food over? Or all I could do is to survive on instant noodle!

Tomorrow will be the Tanah Lot tour which ends my trip to Bali 2012. I will create another post as soon as I feel ready to write.

My Tanah Lot Tour

Monday 3 December 2012

I'm Done!

24 weeks of physical and mental torture ... yet some of it still lingers on. Many a times I did falter, on the verge of throwing in the towel, when there was nothing else that's left except prayer, the Higher Power came to my rescue. I am not a staunch Christian, but just sticking to my faith and ask to have it given. It was given. I had hope and saw the light. Amen.