How to be pain free

Sunday, 28 December 2014

A Brave New Hope

SInce my last post hoping I could find a new route to pain relief, I have been in constant pain after my diving trip. I started taking 3 capsules of Purtier a week before my trip and had no significant pain until I returned, my wrist started to swell slowly again. I was taking 2 capsules a day then. My GP prescribed Prednisone for a course of 10 days to give time to taper down the potency of the drug. I had a breakout of acne and constant eye-twitching until now it seems to be sporadically calming down. 

Upon completion of the course, it started to swell again. My GP gave me Danzen, a non-inflammatory for post-operative skin conditions which was of course, of no effect at all. I dug out some old but not expired NSAIDs which I have been avoiding and had no choice but to take it to control the inflammation. This Diclofenac sustained-release helped me to get through the working day with no disruption. Coupled along with constant topical rub (Rumalaya), I could still hold on despite getting the swollen eyes everyday. Intense pain kicked in during dawn break when the effectiveness of the meds wears off. It lasted until Christmas Eve,  when left with the last tablet, went hopping by the GP again. This time, she wanted me to lay off meds for a while to give my liver and kidneys a break. Yes, of course I have been deprived of sleep for a long time already. So I left the clinic with only a packet of Ketoprofen plaster and Rumalaya rub. I put on the plaster immediately, hoping for a fast relief but nothing happened even after few hours, it was time to knock off half-day's work. God I was worried the swelling would be so bad in the night I had nothing to turn to... but I kept the faith and leave it to my Lord.

Philippians 4:13 New King James Version (NKJV)

13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.

I headed my way home with the gnawing pain carrying a low spirit of Christmas. I was telling myself then, "thank you doctor for giving me a painful Christmas". I felt guilty instantly for putting the blame on the doctor. I felt sorry for myself and cried in my heart. It was Christmas and a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord who came to save us sinners but I hide in my room all day rubbing cream and icing my wrist. On Christmas night, I had to bite the bullet and resort to opiates, Tramadol which I hated all along, It causes dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia, anxiety and constipation. However, it masked the pain to help me get some rest.

I told myself, I got to do something different. No more pain meds, no NSAIDs or even paracetamol. I suddenly recalled taking Purtier 3 capsules and I was doing well so .. why not? Thank God I was given the stock to keep or consumed at my wish. Today is the third day taking 3 capsules with no other meds and things look promising. My brave new hope to end my debilitating pain!