How to be pain free

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Finally had my Cortisone shots

I am not pain free yet as I am writing this post but the remaining gnawing pain gives me inspiration for a clearer picture of what happened during the last few days. 

It has been three painful weeks since my De Quervain's Tendinitis relapsed. I had difficulty washing up, dressing up, even putting lotion on my face was painful. Every simple movement on my right hand was painful. I did not sweep my floor nor cleaned my room since then, nor did I effectively cleaned my toilet bowl, bath and sink. Yes, I did sweep the floor then and that was not the only cause of the relapse but the repetitive strain from work. I am not trying to blame it all to my work but I did not relapse so often before I started on this job without obvious injury that strained my wrist tendons. I was pushing it too far. The company GP suggested that I should see a specialist and have a surgery instead of going on the Prednisone route long term. However, upon meeting the Orthopedic (from Colombo) at Changi General Hospital, he supported my opinion that surgery should not be done unless nothing else works. Even though the two cortisone shots were never my wish, apparently it seems I had no other options but to immediately ease the pain and inflammation I was suffering. 

I was told my body has an immunity imbalance, where the antibodies attack my own cells. It reminded me of the time when I was being treated for staph infection, I was on continuous IV of penicillin of Gentamycin, Cloxacillin and Clindamycin for nine days at the hospital and oral Clindamycin for post-hospitalization. My right hand and arm swell up as an allergic reaction after few days I got home. Soon after, I had my first tendinitis attack. Could these potent drugs have caused the tendon problem similar to what the Quinolone antibiotics does? Or should I blame it all on Hepatitis C? 

This is the first time I had two shots together for two tendons. The pain was excruciating on the whole palm and wrist. There was a big swell and bump on the base of thumb and my whole wrist was numb, stiff and immovable for more than an hour.  However, I was positive that this pain was only temporary and the swell and pain would subside within hours.  I felt a great sense of relief, psychologically and emotionally. As I have had such shots few times before with good results, it never worry me at all.

Because of the pain from the injections, I was in shock and forgot to request for medical leave. The next day, I went to work as usual but with a lighter spirit. Alas, I was myself again.

I still feel the pain when I mouse slowly but when using more stress with speed, the pain seems similar prior injection. I was supposed to rest the affected area for at least two days but it is tough with the demanding job scope. The swell and redness has subsided but the pain was at a moderate level. My mood was back and even went out for the night with my colleagues and my boss.

On the second day after my shots, I went swimming, had lunch and went home straight after. Hai Choon has been feeling tired lately so we went back early to rest. My wrist were better, less swell but my neck and head was aching from the strain. I was surprised the cortisone took more than usual to take effect this time round. Honestly, I was disappointed at the results and blamed it on the doctor's skills. He might have missed the right spot for the jab.

After some research, I have learned that the such effects may take up to few days, so I will wait. On the third day, did some laundry and swept/mop a quarter of my living room and spilled the dirty water in the toilet due to my weakened wrist. Just hate the stains from dad's outdoor slippers on my flooring. After all, my parents are old and eyes already tired, I will have to do it if I want a clean looking house. Eventually, I swept and mop the whole living room and kitchen as well. My wrist movements were still restrictive but able to complete the job with a little more pain and water spilling all over. But when my wrist is useless, there is no way the cleanliness be kept. Am I looking forward to a dirty house where no one is capable of keeping it? Question mark.

I am trying to research for ways to cure or reduce the relapse of my tendinitis besides supplements, ergonomics and diet. If anyone has more suggestions, I would appreciate very much for your contribution.

From my recent research, this may be viable:

Ergonomics Mouse/keyboard
Avoid alcohol and smoking