How to be pain free

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Uncle has cancer

I am getting better and better each day. However, I am getting complacent to my overall recovery and have started to abuse my body again! 

I have started to drink again ... intermittently. Feeling really guilty about it while I am still having the occasional runs and stomach problems, I still cannot overcome my boredom of surface interval. Having the daily loose and light stools, I know jolly well the malfunction of my liver has not improved. Coupled with current disappointments at work, Garry and domestic problems, I simply added them together to put it off as "Bored" and drink beer as an escape.

Two days ago, I was informed that mum's brother has Myeloma. After a visit at the hospital and some personal research, his condition is fully understood. He has worked hard all his life at a shipyard, oil refinery I supposed with long term exposure to Benzene which I suspect is the main cause of the cancer. Though he lost lots of weight and in fact, shrank to half the size from before, he seemingly sounded great and positive! I am consoled. I was told he had left with 3 months to live (Doctor said since July) and I am so worried there is no chance for us to interact anymore. He has been a shy and nice uncle since my younger days and after he started his family, though busy with a new commitment, did not fail to recognize me as his niece. 

Let us all pray his relapse is temporary and will start chemotherapy again. Hope for less pain and suffering.