After several sessions of acupressure with acupuncture, the therapist has convinced me that it is a pinched nerve on my neck. Anyway, the pain decreased tremendously after two sessions. However, due to a strain whilst trying to hold my 75kg friend when she was drunk, the pain on my biceps was back to square one. What makes it worse was sleeping on my left side resting on my biceps.
On the third session, I suggested that my biceps be treated without oral herbal remedy to see if it makes any difference but oh no .. it did not get better at all.
Being adamant on getting relief through TCM without painkillers or other inflammatories, I am quite sure of improvements in a month maximum. I have placed a rim of A4 paper to raise the height of my computer screen and replaced the bifocal lens with the normal presbyopic lens to avoid raising my neck repeatedly. It felt better.
Today, I did my fourth session of acupressure, manipulation and acupuncture on my neck and shoulder with herbal hot pads and take home herbal medication. Let's see how it goes the week ahead.
OMG! My damages each week S$63. How long more and how much more money am I going to spend on this?