How to be pain free

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Tendinitis again

I cannot think of a suitable title as yet since this topic will be repeated again and again. As I start to feel the strain and pain on my right wrist, I have to clean my room, at least, fans, air-con filters etc in order keep life comfortable. Despite of my wrist tendinitis, I felt the urge to do something for my home. It has been too long since my tendinitis flared up that stopped me from all these housework. I told mum about my problem, she asked how did it  happened but I only replied as it was due to some heavy carrying. What I expect is just an understanding when I dd not do the dishes, cleaning etc.

Today, I felt I have to do it because the fans are full of layers of dust. Today, I did too much, I presume there will be a flare up pretty soon.  I washed 2 toilets, vacuumed and mopped my room, living room, sun the clothes outside and cleaned 2 fans. I felt my wrist is blowing up now. However, with the splint, I can let it rest for a while and see if things get under control. Will update in the next post,

I have lots of resentment when I am doing housework. Nobody understands what the pain when my wrist is inflamed. They may think it is mild just like a sprain which will recover in a few days. How can I explain "tendinitis" to them? Despite of their doubts, I will just do it! They will be glad I did but at the expense of my pain. Why nobody understand???

When I was fighting the pain in the middle of the night, I tried to distract myself by searching for prayers, quotes and motivation to cheer myself up, yet nobody was there except my Lord, who is the One I can turn to. During those times of distress, the only consolation I receive was from my Lord.. Even though I do not attend church, but I 
devote myself to Him at all times. There is nobody else you can trust in this world except our Lord.

I am, however glad somehow, there are people who understands and felt my pain. I am very grateful to Li Chuan (a colleague from 2nd floor) who expressed her concern and even felt the pain I was going through.  Honestly, I was very touched. However, the people who were supposed to understand are in total silence! How am I ever to let them know that I have such limitations?

I have asked my parents, can i  be exempted temporary from housework due to my wrist problem. It seemed she did not except it that is why things are not done and waiting for me to do it over the weekends.  Can i complain that is unfair? There is nothing I can say...