How to be pain free

Thursday, 16 January 2014

On Pain Meds again

Tramadol 50mg
It has been months since I have stopped all my pain medications: pregabalin (Lyrica), Ultracet, Tramadol and Prednisone being the most recent. I realized that my back will ache intensely after one and a half months from my last diving trip. Since last weekend, I resumed taking Lyrica and Tramadol due to intense pain again. I really do not like this meds due to the side effects such as constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, swollen eyes in the morning and feeling dizzy but it is very effective, at least for my pain.

Lyrica 75mg
That was the result of re-painting of the living room, I had to mop and sweep three times before I could find it clean enough. This over-activity caused a very bad backache radiating to the buttocks and thighs and a swollen wrist, the same position where I had tendinitis several times last year. I was anticipating the same would repeat after a few days but thank God, the pain is almost gone today. 

However, the pain radiating from my the left side of my neck all the way to my elbow has been intermittently restricting some movements. My forearm to palm and fingers would feel numb with pins and needles too. Recently I am back to examining my own body and the pain on all the tender points for Fibromyalgia are still painful. But I would avoid going to the Rheumatologist again unless the pain has become debilitating, to cut down on medical fees that do not cure. Morever, the specialists at the hospital do not believe in such illness.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What Goes Around Comes Around

Recently I found out that the person who said hurting words which can be found on my post "To be sick is the greatest", when I was suffering under the effects of the medication more than a year ago, has fallen sick.  He is 28 years old and is suffering from high blood pressure, the common illness of the elderly and the obese. I was surprised to learned that despite of his young age and medium size, is down with such an ailment.

I was not laughing my heart out, but instead gave him some advice on how to control his diet and lifestyle. Neither have I ever wished he would get sick or curse at him for hurting me. However, it is beyond doubt that karma is at work. What goes around comes around.

There is no need to seek revenge on anyone who did you wrong or hurt you. Just sit back, relax and let nature to take its course. If he deserves it, he will get it back for sure.