How to be pain free

Sunday, 25 August 2013

I am Really Fine!

Those who knew about my illness have been asking me how I am doing nowadays. Since I am doing much better, I said "I'm fine and getting better".

Today is the eighth month since I completed my therapy. I have been doing better and better each day. Below are the summary of my reports:

Tired: no more
Sweats: less
Skin problem: getting better
Bones/Muscles: getting better
Brain:(I mean memory) getting better
Bowels: getting worse
liver function: no improvement
Overall: very good

Most importantly, I have gotten back the usual self and physical abilities which I have lost for years. I am able to perform like a normal and healthy person. No more feeling tired when I wake up in the morning. In fact, ever since taken up scuba diving, have built up a lot, no more flabs all around or pale colored skin. My back problem improved so much that I am able to lift up and carry the tank on my back from the dive centre to the shore. I also completed and passed the Rescue Course without any problems. I could carry an 70 kg guy on my back ... I thought it was a miracle.

I received notice that my past medical bills are not claimable. I have calculated the total of more than $5000 spent on treatment during the second half of 2012 followed by about $2000 medical fees with the Rheumatology, Dermatology and .... which I could not claimed due to my submission financial year ... shit!