How to be pain free

Thursday 24 December 2015

Dorsal Wrist Synovectomy

Second day post surgery
It's almost four months now since my wrist surgery on 1st September 2015. I can now do anything with no more pain except heavy lifting. After ten sessions of occupational therapy, recovery was speedy and range of motion regained. I was already back to work full force one month post surgery and even worked on weekends.

Looking Back

A year ago, I was suffering from De Quervain's Tendinosis until the last steroid injections I had in November last year,  I stopped all medications and started taking Purtier. After three months, I had less pain and left with a slight bony bump on the dorsal right wrist. After MRI, it was diagnosed as Synovitis. My hand surgeon strongly recommended surgery for pain relief and improve hand function. Of course, it was not fun living in pain. For me, surgery was the only solution. Whether or not it's gonna be only temporary relief, I had to get it resolved.

One hour after surgery
Wrist Synovectomy

Wrist Synovectomy is the surgical removal of the membrane lining a synovial joint (diarthrosis) capsule (synovium) and debridement of inflammed tissues to prevent further degeneration and arthritic proliferation that may lead to cartilage destruction and rheumatoid arthritis.

The Surgery

With the administration of general anaesthesia, I fell asleep soon before the surgery began and awoke after a nice dream. The surgery lasted one and a half hours. Due to the diffuse proliferation on the extensor surface of the wrist involving several areas in close proximity: the extensor tendons and the radiocarpal or intercarpal joints, an open surgery debridement was done in placed of the earlier plan of arthroscopy/key-hole surgery. One hour was spent at the recovery room after the surgery for morphine injections and pain monitoring. My head was floating, feeling high and mighty the next few hours until dinner, I went downstairs. The side effects of the morphine acted up as I was strolling and puffing along the road of cars and pollution. I puted twice.

That night at the hospital was the beginning of a nightmare for the next few weeks of inconvenience using one arm. It was tough falling asleep with my arm lifted. Finally the nurse let it down but I had to keep it in a upright position to reduce swelling. As you could see from the pictures of my arm was bandaged to the size of a leg, lifted upright.

Post Surgery

The bandage must not get wet for the fear that getting an infection on the wound could be disastrous. Before shower, I had to wrap three quarter of the arm with a plastic bag (NTUC) and kept it lifted until I finish. The most tiring part is the shampooing and rinsing of hair using one hand. It was made easier to rub the body using a long handled sponge than using just one hand as it's impossible to reach the other side of the body. It took me almost thirty minutes to take every shower.

Brushing teeth and washing up before bedtime is another chore using the my non-dominant left hand. As my arm had a stiff bandage or the hard splint. There was not enough space to do it at the sink so it had to be done at the bath tub. The other household chores and dressing up were done using my left hand. The different size of my arms had gone noticeably ugly. The bandage was removed after 4 days and waterproofing for 2 weeks before removing the sutures. 

Taking the public transport with a arm sling did not proof much advantage nor any passionate humanity uncovered in this stressful and selfish society. I did not use any handbag but kept my belongings inside the sling so I still have one hand to hold on to the rails except on days when I had more things to carry. A few times out of the two months with the sling/splint on, I was offered a seat on the MRT/bus.

Using my left hand at the computer, mousing was not fun at all. After a week or two, the nerves on my left arm were "pinched" or trapped. The ulna nerve on the cubital tunnel was compressed due to prolonged activity on the computer. Several sessions of acupuncture and "tui-na" did the trick and saved the time going back to the doctor. After all, I felt much relief before the appointment for the nerve conduction test. It could only be another costly stinct of multiple tests/investigations and finally occupational therapy. 

Using the chopsticks for noodle meals was tough but challenging. For a month, I was only eating with my left hand, even with spoon and training myself to be ambidextrous and believe that I could still use my left hand without a problem.

Having the splint on most of the time has its efficacy of reduction in swelling and speeds recovery. However, it also causes stiffness and prevents regaining range of motion and strength. I could not even carry anything more than a kilogram at two months post surgery. Finally the therapist allowed me to stop using it on the tenth week. 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Farewell LKY - My Sentiments

Image Credit:
Today is the 11th day since we bid our final farewell to Lee Kuan Yew, founding father of Singapore. My tears were rolling as I penned down my recollection of that week's nation-wide mourning. The overwhelming reaction of many had moved every heart and soul as one united nation. An extraordinary and meaningful event we will never forget. 

29th March 2015

The nation wept. So did the skies. In torrential rain, about 100,000 Singaporeans lined the streets to say our last farewell to the founding father of Singapore. The rain started as early as 11 am and it got heavy almost an hour before the funeral procession. Our umbrellas fought and all of us were sopping wet before the procession started.

As the time drew closer, the rain poured heavier. People were shouting "lower your umbrellas, show your respect!" and we obediently kept our umbrellas while the band started to play. As I froze in fear and shivered relentlessly, my legs were numbed and my heart pounded, faces around me contorted into a portrait of anguish with tears rolling and mingling with the rain. 

I told myself not to give up but stand tall and proud a Singaporean should be whether or not in times of calamity.

This was my last chance to pay my last respect and send off the man who devoted all his life for Singapore to give us better lives. What is getting drenched compared to the man who fought for our independence and transform a city of mudflats to a metropolis, that we can hold our heads high as we pass through every country's immigration?

As the cortege passed by on a gun carriage, people shouted "Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Kuan Yew", "Thank you", "We love you". 

The world mourns ..
Mr Lee did us proud

More than 500 people turned up to watch the live telecast of the state funeral of Mr Lee Kuan Yew in Hong Kong. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia
Around 100 people were at the Singapore Embassy in Tokyo for the screening of Mr Lee Kuan Yew's State Funeral. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia

New Zealand
New Zealand Flag flying at half-mast at the country's Parliament House. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia

South Korea
Singaporeans living in South Korea gathered in Seoul to watch the State Funeral of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia

Singaporeans, including families and businessmen, as well as Filipinos gathered at the Singapore Embassy to watch the State Funeral of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia

Kuala Lumpur
Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia
Bhutan lowered its national flag to half mast as a mark of respect for the State Funeral of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Image Credit: ChannelNewsAsia
It was a day of awakening. United as a nation, we say goodbye with mixed emotions. 

We grief because we have lost a good leader and we are grateful and proud to have such an extraordinary man as our founder. 

We cried because we had almost forgotten the place we grew up from was a slump while enjoying the fruits of his labour now. Yet we still complain that life is tough but it would be much tougher without the works of Lee Kuan Yew. 

We did not pay attention when he spoke on national day rallies and thought it was boring. 

We had forgotten how he hard he worked to formed the PAP with his team mates like Goh Keng Swee, Jayaratnam and Toh Chin Chye to fight for our independence. The anguish he felt when Singapore was "kicked" out of Malaya and the British withdrew their forces. That was when Singapore almost could not make it. 

How he launched the HDB so that most of us could afford a comfortable shelter and created job opportunities for our pioneers. How he promoted bilingualism so that we preserve our mother tongue. Most importantly, the cohesiveness he promoted among this multi-racial society that led us to live harmoniously together. How he ordered the clean up of Singapore River so that we do not smell the stench anymore. 

His numerous campaigns had mold Singapore to what it is today, a prosperous nation we are so proud of while holding our red passports while lining the immigration while overseas. We grew proud of being Singaporeans. 

We expected Lee Kuan Yew to continue to be our pillar and live longer. We have become complacent like the spoilt child.  We have been asking but have forgotten to give.

Today, our father is gone and we suddenly felt lost.  Our hearts sank when we heard the news of his death.  Some of us did not know why we felt sad but our grief was genuine. For the whole week, we were overwhelmed by emotions as we watched his stories on TV and read articles about him. The whole nation was mourning. Some people wore black throughout the week and most of us avoided bright colours to show our respect.

The long queue under searing hot sun and those braving the rain to say goodbye touched everyone's hearts. Our phones and cameras were also put to a test of endurance. Amazing scenes were captured as hundreds of thousands paid their respects at the various tribute centers.  So did I. After I placed the flowers and paid my respect, penned my tribute while waiting for my parents to finish writing theirs, I could not control my emotions anymore. My sudden remorse that was suppressed for few days were poured out in a swift 2 minutes.

Thank you Mr Lee. Your work is done. You deserve a good rest.

May your legacy lives on in the future generations to come.

An Original Song to Remember Mr Lee Kuan Yew And All Our Nation Builders

Saturday 24 January 2015

What is Purtier?

What is Purtier Placenta?

PURTIER Placenta is live cell therapy in a capsule. It is a blend of deer placenta live stem cells and eight other precious ingredients known to protect, repair and rejuvenate the body's tissues and organs to keep a person “young”.

How Does Purtier Placenta work?
PURTIER Placenta contains live cells that are capable of stimulating the growth and function of existing tissues. The live cells are instrumental in "waking up" dormant cells within the human body and creating new synapses and connective tissue. It is a non-toxic health supplement.

What is Live-Cell Therapy?
It is a well-known secret that the rich and famous go to Switzerland for placenta (sheep) injections to maintain their vitality and youth and reverse the ageing process. As the placentas are fresh, sterilised and frozen, the injections can cost as high as US$30,000 and are done in exclusive clinics. The results are dramatic.

With modern technology, it is now possible to freeze-dry the placenta to preserve the cells so that they remain "live" up to four years. The cells must be kept “live” so that they can stimulate renewal in the body’s system.

How does Purtier Placenta compare to Placenta injections?
Placenta injections must be administered under strict medical supervision as complications such as allergic shock and sometimes bacteria infection may occur. The original Swiss placenta injections are tailored to the individual and are very expensive. PURTIER Placenta has the same effectiveness, caters to everyone and is easily accessible. It costs less and poses no known risk.

Why do we need Purtier Placenta? 
From the moment we are born, we start to age. Believe it or not, we were made to live 120 years, but because of present-day lifestyles, dietary habits, pollution, stress and disease, we may age prematurely. A lot of these lifestyle factors generate free-radicals which damage cells and tissues. PURTIER Placenta contains not only antioxidants to prevent the free radical damage to cells, but also has the ingredients to rejuvenate the damaged and worn-out cells and tissues.

How long should I take Purtier Placenta?
The recommended dosage is for six months. As cells deteriorate over the years, time is needed for the cells to grow back; cell renewal is only possible with continual consumption and six months is a good time-frame to rejuvenate and repair. As each person’s body condition is different, the period of time needed to see significant results is different for each individual.

Do I have to continue taking Purtier Placenta? 
Usually six months is enough time to produce results. However, you are encouraged to continue taking, especially if you find it beneficial and wish to maintain the good health you have regained. Besides, there are no known side effects with prolonged intake. But if you stop taking it, there will be no adverse effects on your body.
I am already taking so many supplements, so how does Purtier Placenta help?

PURTIER Placenta is a supplement that stimulates body rejuvenation. Besides deer placenta, seven other precious anti-ageing substances have been blended into PURTIER Placenta. They work together to effectively promote cell renewal, repair damaged cells and replace them with new ones to maintain vitality and physical alertness.

PURTIER Placenta offers a benefit that normal supplements do not because it allows new cells to grow and replace old cells to rejuvenate and renew the body system. It will not take away the benefits of other supplements, instead it may enhance their benefits.

 How is deer placenta obtained?
The deer placenta live cells are extracted from the afterbirth and no deer are harmed or sacrificed in the process. These cells are then freeze-dried to preserve them.

How is Purtier Placenta different from normal placenta?
PURTIER Placenta is extracted from fresh deer placenta which contains the most active and most energetic live cells. These live cells can rejuvenate the damaged, worn-out cells and tissues in our body. Normal placentas are usually in powdered form, cooked or processed and do not have any live cells. Their effect is different from that of PURTIER Placenta, which is superior in quality.

Who should take Purtier Placenta?
Those who want to reverse the ageing process and those who feel their body deteriorating and weakening. It is also good for those who wish to rejuvenate their bodies and replace old cells with fresh cells. Patients who are recovering from an illness can also benefit from taking it. 

How should I eat it? 
We recommend taking four capsules daily for the first month, any time of the day, and two capsules daily for subsequent months. However, it differs according to each individual body’s needs. One may increase or decrease dosage as desired.

 Can it be taken with Chinese or Western medicine?
PURTIER Placenta is NOT a drug as it does not contain any chemicals. It is a nutritional supplement and should not conflict with Chinese or Western medicines. 

Disclaimer: this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Please consult your doctor first before starting this programme.

Goodbye Prednisone .. Welcome Purtier!

Since my last post, the chronic pain accompanied me over New Year's Eve but I am glad things got better as each day goes by.  Today, as I am writing this post, it gives me pride to post the current photos of myself and my right wrist. If you compare it with previous photos, it look much improved now isn't it? 

After consuming 3 capsules of Purtier a day, my wrist problem (De Quervain's tendinosishas been under control. Even if I overused my wrist at work for few days, the pain and swelling do not progress. However, that does not mean I have no more pain, but has reduced tremendously from 7:10 to 3:10. Just a recap, I have not been on any medication since 24th December 2014. No steroids, painkillers or ant-inflammatory, only the cream to rub whenever I feel the strain. I am not totally pain-free yet, but only superficial pain felt nearer the bones and skin instead of the inner tendons and nerves.

For the last 8 months, I could not grip anything with my right hand, not even simple tasks such as opening cans, bottles, sugar packs, turning door knobs, changing bed sheets, pillow cases, etc, I could be considered partial handicap.  If anyone ever noticed, whenever my use my right hand, it would be the forearm doing the job instead of my wrist. My left arm have also grown bigger for doing most tasks. Today, after taking 2 capsules for the first 1 1/2 months and 3 capsules of Purtier the last one month, I am able to do all simple tasks with no significant pain. Moreover, my energy level has gone extremely high that the word "tired" doesn't exist anymore in my dictionary!

As for now, I am confident that consuming Purtier for a another month will bring me hope to more pain-free days ahead. However, the recommended dosage is a 6-months course or 7 boxes (Total: 420 capsules) to allow the regeneration and healing of cells. 

So what is Purtier? I will explain in detail on my next post.

Sunday 28 December 2014

A Brave New Hope

SInce my last post hoping I could find a new route to pain relief, I have been in constant pain after my diving trip. I started taking 3 capsules of Purtier a week before my trip and had no significant pain until I returned, my wrist started to swell slowly again. I was taking 2 capsules a day then. My GP prescribed Prednisone for a course of 10 days to give time to taper down the potency of the drug. I had a breakout of acne and constant eye-twitching until now it seems to be sporadically calming down. 

Upon completion of the course, it started to swell again. My GP gave me Danzen, a non-inflammatory for post-operative skin conditions which was of course, of no effect at all. I dug out some old but not expired NSAIDs which I have been avoiding and had no choice but to take it to control the inflammation. This Diclofenac sustained-release helped me to get through the working day with no disruption. Coupled along with constant topical rub (Rumalaya), I could still hold on despite getting the swollen eyes everyday. Intense pain kicked in during dawn break when the effectiveness of the meds wears off. It lasted until Christmas Eve,  when left with the last tablet, went hopping by the GP again. This time, she wanted me to lay off meds for a while to give my liver and kidneys a break. Yes, of course I have been deprived of sleep for a long time already. So I left the clinic with only a packet of Ketoprofen plaster and Rumalaya rub. I put on the plaster immediately, hoping for a fast relief but nothing happened even after few hours, it was time to knock off half-day's work. God I was worried the swelling would be so bad in the night I had nothing to turn to... but I kept the faith and leave it to my Lord.

Philippians 4:13 New King James Version (NKJV)

13 I can do all things through Christ[a] who strengthens me.

I headed my way home with the gnawing pain carrying a low spirit of Christmas. I was telling myself then, "thank you doctor for giving me a painful Christmas". I felt guilty instantly for putting the blame on the doctor. I felt sorry for myself and cried in my heart. It was Christmas and a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord who came to save us sinners but I hide in my room all day rubbing cream and icing my wrist. On Christmas night, I had to bite the bullet and resort to opiates, Tramadol which I hated all along, It causes dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia, anxiety and constipation. However, it masked the pain to help me get some rest.

I told myself, I got to do something different. No more pain meds, no NSAIDs or even paracetamol. I suddenly recalled taking Purtier 3 capsules and I was doing well so .. why not? Thank God I was given the stock to keep or consumed at my wish. Today is the third day taking 3 capsules with no other meds and things look promising. My brave new hope to end my debilitating pain!

Sunday 26 October 2014

A New Hope for me - Purtier Placenta

Picture taken on 20th October 2014
Picture taken today ~ 26th October 2014
I was introduced to Purtier a couple of weeks back but I was hesitant about it initially until I attended the event and listened to the live testimonials with full presentation, it almost convinced me. As I have allergy to NSAIDs and Acetaminophen, there is no other anti-inflammatory for me. I have been living with this pain in silence or at least, no one will ever understand.  The daily pain I am going through should come to a stop. 

I am glad Raymond & Joel let me start taking the supplement as I had overspent this month due to my trip. Today is the 7th day taking 3 capsules/day of Purtier as you can see the results from the pictures taken a week ago and today. My face has more radiance, brighter eyes and clearer skin. You may think I used make up ... but nope. I stopped wearing make up ever since I felt sick as it has since become a heavy chore, painful and time-consuming ritual for me. You can see that my right wrist (with Tendinitis) swell up, I had more pain due to the acting of Purtier but the redness is gone. I am confident of better results after two weeks. I shall be posting more pictures of my face and wrist to compare the difference before and after.

picture taken today~ 26th October 2014

Picture taken on 20th October 2014
Picture taken on 20th October 2014

Sunday 19 October 2014

Sick & Tired of my pain

Looking back the past weeks, I have been having non-stop uncontrollable pain that I have to rely on some kind of pain medication to function at work. Despite several visits to the GP and cortisone shots by the Orthopedic, going round the different medications, cocktail and concoctions which again do not prove its efficacy on me, I am almost giving up. 

Just a brief summary of past experiences with NSAIDs, I have always had allergic reaction such as swollen feet, eyes, face and blurred vision. With acetaminophen, my eyes will swell the next morning and looks distorted. I am especially allergic to Celebrax (etoricoxib), my stomach will be bloated with pain and loss of appetite the whole day. As I was desperate for pain relief, Tramadol seems to be the temporary relief, though not an anti-inflammatory, I could sleep for a few hours then kept me awake for a few hours. I could still function the next day. Looks like I am taking it day by day. My company GP do not want to prescribe Prednisone or NSAIDs anymore, due to its serious side effects, neither did she have a better suggestion other than surgery. I am now at a loss.

So I have stopped medication for two days. Only using ice pad and deep-heat cream several times a day over the weekend, I could still function doing nothing except washing up, sleeping and surfing with my touchscreen laptop. However, with the new week ahead, am I able to work with the computer mouse all day long? 

How long more do I need to mask my pain and suffer within myself? I have hide it so well that no one seems to understand the pain I am going through as I was never offered help in carrying things but instead was asked to help the other way round. People may think that may only be some kind of muscle ache or headache. Did anyone ever know that I even have difficulty using chopsticks during my meal? No one ever knows that I have difficulty and pain while washing and brushing my hair, soaping myself and even dressing up.

What other alternative medicine can I take for my chronic pain?
I have heard of Chinese herbs that maybe effective, but how long does it take to see the results?
How about deer or sheep placenta etc? Purtier, Dell-V, 

Sunday 5 October 2014

Less Pain Today - Tendinitis

It is frustrating to see my room not being spic and span, tables filled with stuffs that should have been where they belong and everything seems filled with dust. Pain have subsided tremendously that I could complete the tasks left on my table for the last month. Today, I used a small broom to sweep my room and mopped the living and kitchen areas as needed. I even cleaned my underwater lens,  housing and most importantly, completed the DIY viewfinder for my housing and fixing the extra attachment for my red filter. These are really simple tasks to most people but not for me when I have wrist pain. I am finally feeling satisfied to even checked and packed my dive and photo equipment to the bags to tidy up my room as well as getting ready for my next trip.

I cannot go on like this anymore, having numerous steroid injections that cause degeneration, oral Prednisone which lower my immunity and increases risk of osteoporosis and analgesics I am allergic to for the last two years, I am adamant to search for effective  yet economical ways that will work for me. After much research I came across an article on wrist pain, I will learn to do my work differently from now on to alleviate pain and prevent further aggravation.  For documents, I will try to use shortcut keys instead of using the mouse, change hands if possible and take frequent breaks. I must make this change no matter how little time I have to meet whatever deadlines. I am confident it won't take long to master it but even if I could not, my decision stands. I must not abuse my right wrist anymore, especially on tasks that do not make me a happier person. It is not worth it. 

I am sorry because of my pain - Tendinitis

Looking back the last three weeks of torture from my wrist pain, my irrational behavior have obviously offended some colleagues whom I have interacted during my "peak" hours when my pain level were high with the demanding workload. Here I have to apologize to them:

I am sorry I have not been nice
I was rude, angry and unwise
It was due to the pain 
That gone up to my head

It was Tendinitis
The cause of the pain
It was not me
The words that were said

God give me the strength
To fight this fight
And wash me clean 
From the enemy's lie

Sunday 28 September 2014

Finally had my Cortisone shots

I am not pain free yet as I am writing this post but the remaining gnawing pain gives me inspiration for a clearer picture of what happened during the last few days. 

It has been three painful weeks since my De Quervain's Tendinitis relapsed. I had difficulty washing up, dressing up, even putting lotion on my face was painful. Every simple movement on my right hand was painful. I did not sweep my floor nor cleaned my room since then, nor did I effectively cleaned my toilet bowl, bath and sink. Yes, I did sweep the floor then and that was not the only cause of the relapse but the repetitive strain from work. I am not trying to blame it all to my work but I did not relapse so often before I started on this job without obvious injury that strained my wrist tendons. I was pushing it too far. The company GP suggested that I should see a specialist and have a surgery instead of going on the Prednisone route long term. However, upon meeting the Orthopedic (from Colombo) at Changi General Hospital, he supported my opinion that surgery should not be done unless nothing else works. Even though the two cortisone shots were never my wish, apparently it seems I had no other options but to immediately ease the pain and inflammation I was suffering. 

I was told my body has an immunity imbalance, where the antibodies attack my own cells. It reminded me of the time when I was being treated for staph infection, I was on continuous IV of penicillin of Gentamycin, Cloxacillin and Clindamycin for nine days at the hospital and oral Clindamycin for post-hospitalization. My right hand and arm swell up as an allergic reaction after few days I got home. Soon after, I had my first tendinitis attack. Could these potent drugs have caused the tendon problem similar to what the Quinolone antibiotics does? Or should I blame it all on Hepatitis C? 

This is the first time I had two shots together for two tendons. The pain was excruciating on the whole palm and wrist. There was a big swell and bump on the base of thumb and my whole wrist was numb, stiff and immovable for more than an hour.  However, I was positive that this pain was only temporary and the swell and pain would subside within hours.  I felt a great sense of relief, psychologically and emotionally. As I have had such shots few times before with good results, it never worry me at all.

Because of the pain from the injections, I was in shock and forgot to request for medical leave. The next day, I went to work as usual but with a lighter spirit. Alas, I was myself again.

I still feel the pain when I mouse slowly but when using more stress with speed, the pain seems similar prior injection. I was supposed to rest the affected area for at least two days but it is tough with the demanding job scope. The swell and redness has subsided but the pain was at a moderate level. My mood was back and even went out for the night with my colleagues and my boss.

On the second day after my shots, I went swimming, had lunch and went home straight after. Hai Choon has been feeling tired lately so we went back early to rest. My wrist were better, less swell but my neck and head was aching from the strain. I was surprised the cortisone took more than usual to take effect this time round. Honestly, I was disappointed at the results and blamed it on the doctor's skills. He might have missed the right spot for the jab.

After some research, I have learned that the such effects may take up to few days, so I will wait. On the third day, did some laundry and swept/mop a quarter of my living room and spilled the dirty water in the toilet due to my weakened wrist. Just hate the stains from dad's outdoor slippers on my flooring. After all, my parents are old and eyes already tired, I will have to do it if I want a clean looking house. Eventually, I swept and mop the whole living room and kitchen as well. My wrist movements were still restrictive but able to complete the job with a little more pain and water spilling all over. But when my wrist is useless, there is no way the cleanliness be kept. Am I looking forward to a dirty house where no one is capable of keeping it? Question mark.

I am trying to research for ways to cure or reduce the relapse of my tendinitis besides supplements, ergonomics and diet. If anyone has more suggestions, I would appreciate very much for your contribution.

From my recent research, this may be viable:

Ergonomics Mouse/keyboard
Avoid alcohol and smoking

Wednesday 17 September 2014


I haven't been ranting much for a while since I learned to manage my De Quervain's Tendinitis much better. I used to be screaming in pain in the middle of the night then finally getting the steroid jabs that works like a miracle. I could be in remission for 3 to 6 months but during that time I was in a less demanding job.

I got into a new job due to retrenchment six months ago and this job sucks! Work is too much that my wrist pain flares up very often despite taking prednisone and codeine together. Everytime the pain start it will last at least for a week. This time round it has already been more than a week being on prednisone and the pain is still there especially the mornings when I wake up.

The agony of the pain at work can't be described when nobody sees it at all. Not seeking any pity nor consolation but just simply not taking my pain as a joke is enough. When I use the splint some think its a sports aid. Some says "it's cool". Do people think I need to look cool when most of my time is spent in front of the screen than walking around the office? I accidentally drag a folder to an inaccessible folder due to the tightness of the splint and was reprimanded for doing so intentionally. Due to the meds, I can't sleep at night that brings much exhaustion during the day. coupled with the heavy workload, been very edgy and my mood has been unstable lately.  This is the first time I used up my prescription meds in a week. Looks like I will  to depend on Prednisone to be able to continue working at this job.

Just in case people do not know what this medication does in the long term, here is the link
for more information:

Saturday 6 September 2014

Tendinitis and Pinched Nerve at the same time!

This last week was the worse days working at Otis.  The referred pain from the pinched nerve got to my elbow, feelings of numbness and headache at the back of my head everyday and the pain on my wrist have reached the unbearable level. I was overwhelmed by all this pain with negative thoughts, stress and anger. Why am I still here? I should be out of this pain-causing environment. The workload has reached my nose and yet some people wants me drowned. Looking back the last week, I was not me. This job has taken over my life.

My wrists were strained a month ago from a week's diving and equipment hauling and yet there was no relapse.  However, being back to the desk and computer working from 8 am to 7 pm for the whole week brought back the crippling pain. This kind of pain does not occur immediately but progresses slowly if I continue using my wrist to sweep the floor, mousing too much or carry heavy stuff.  Last Sunday I swept the floor and when I woke up the next morning, it was stiffed and tight with medium pain level of 6. Then it went up as the days passed until I felt unbearable so I have to get back with the steroids and codeine regime again. Voila! my mood was back.